Jack Langley at Silver Lake

Jack Langley for Hollis State Representative!

Jack's Candidate Blog

July 1, 2024
Elephant Emogi Elephant Emogi Elephant Emogi

Aug 30:
I got interviewed by NH Senator Kevin Avard onNashua Public Television. I'm learning Web Pages at the same time I'm trying to update them. Been doing some literature drops and posting on Tweitter.

July 22:
I've been spending many hours learning HTML but feel I am at the point of publishing my webpage and get on with other candidate activities. I've been getting many organization questionaires I need to get to. One I will not get to is from the New Hampshire NEA. FDR opposed Public Employee Unions and I agree with him. We should be questioning the Teacher's Union asking them what they are doing for us and why we should continue to do business with them. New Hampshire needs Education freedom for their children and need to be in control of their children's education.

July 8:
Still working the web page but did get together with my brother, sister and aunt at the Concord red Arrow Diner. From L to R, Aunt Edna, Brother Joe Brother-in-Law Joey, Sister Claudette, Me, and Rachael. Fun time. Jack with Family

July 5:
More Web Page work. It was disappointing to hear Drew Cline on Morning Talk last week talking praising attacks on "restrictive" zoning laws. There is big money behind efforts to suspend local zoning authority and redo our towns. If you have a WJS subscription, here is what's happening in California since they now allow two Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) state-wide. The ADU permits have tripled year over year since the Anti-Zoning legislation passed. The WSJ article portrays what has happened so far as a failure, but read between the lines. WSJ Link: "Why a California Plan to Build More Homes is Failing

July 4:
Happy Fourth everybody!

July 3:
Still working the web page. Updating my page while learning. I'm on fonts now.

July 1:
I have spent the last week learning HTML, Web Pages, ftp, etc. All while trying to get up my own Web Page. Running, it's still fun!

Jack Langley for Hollis State Rep

Jack Langley, Republican, running for Hollis State Representative

I am the Elephant in the Room!

Low Taxes are a result of Low Spending!

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