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Jack Langley's Blog Page
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jack sign
July 1, 2024
Jack icon

Sept 24
Making marginal upgrades now to my web page. Learning how to write for phones. Getting back into music. Kevin's tomorrow. Been playing the guitar more. I have a song in me and in good time I'll work it.

September 21, 2024
Transitioning this former candidate page over to my personal page. Still lots to be done. A lot of this site is "Under Construction",I'm still learning about breakpoint and robust design, Java, etc. but I want to "turn the page" but more importently "get off the stage" and on to the next phase of my life, which I dont quite know yet what it is, but as Tolkien says "All who wander are not lost". Cheers! -Jackie.

September 11, 2024:

Well the result of the Primary Election was not what we wanted it to be. I came in third with 13.5% behind two very worthy opponents, Liz Barbour, a local business woman and who almost won last time and Sue Homola a one-time incumbent. I wish them well and wholeheartly endorse both of them.

2024 Election Result

September 11, 2024:

I would like to thank all the Hollis voters who voted for me. I'd like to thank my wife Rachael who supported me and was at the polls all day on Primary day, NH State Senator Kevin Avard, who was nice enough to have me on his cable show and provided encouragement and thanks to Sue Homola who, while also an opponent was helpful with pedestrian candidate questions from a first time candidate. I'd like to thank Racheal's sister Martha Noyes and Rachael's friend Karen Dougan who were also with us all day on Primary day. I'd like to thank Al Fulchino for being a good supporter of all us Hollis Republicans with his continued generosity and advice. I'd like to thank Kevin Meyers or "Piper Kevin" my friend and musical friend who suggested we take a month sabbatical from our regular Tuesday session this last month. And thanks to anybody I might have missed.

I will leave this web site as is for another week or so and transition it to my personal web site. Maybe a Political Blog site or just family and friends and cat pictures.

Aug 30:
I got interviewed by NH Senator Kevin Avard on Nashua Public Television. Thank You Kevin. I'm learning Web Pages at the same time I'm trying to update them. Been doing some literature drops and posting on Twitter.

July 22:
I've been spending many hours learning HTML but feel I am at the point of publishing my webpage and get on with other candidate activities. I've been getting many organization questionaires I need to get to. One I will not get to is from the New Hampshire NEA. FDR opposed Public Employee Unions and I agree with him. We should be questioning the Teacher's Union asking them what they are doing for us and why we should continue to do business with them. New Hampshire needs Education freedom for their children and need to be in control of their children's education.

July 8:
Still working the web page but did get together with my brother, sister and aunt at the Concord red Arrow Diner. From L to R, Aunt Edna, Brother Joe Brother-in-Law Joey, Sister Claudette, Me, and Rachael. Fun time. Jack with Family

July 5:
More Web Page work. It was disappointing to hear Drew Cline on Morning Talk last week talking praising attacks on "restrictive" zoning laws. There is big money behind efforts to suspend local zoning authority and redo our towns. If you have a WJS subscription, here is what's happening in California since they now allow two Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) state-wide. The ADU permits have tripled year over year since the Anti-Zoning legislation passed. The WSJ article portrays what has happened so far as a failure, but read between the lines. WSJ Link: "Why a California Plan to Build More Homes is Failing

July 4:
Happy Fourth everybody!

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